Voice of Voiceless

International Christian Voice

Vigil Service: September 09, 2023

Dear friends,
International Christian Voice (ICV) in solidarity with the Jaranwala victims, had dedicated the birthday of Martyr Shahbaz Bhatti on September 9th to condemn the horrific and unwarranted anti-Christian mob violence in Jaranwala, Pakistan.
Please see the Press Release linked below in this regard. 

International Christian Voice strongly condemns the recent attacks on Churches and homes of Christians in Jaranwala, Pakistan

International Christian Voice strongly condemns the recent attacks on churches and Christian homes in Jaranwala, Pakistan. At least 8 churches were attacked, and hundreds of families have been forced to flee from their homes. Accusations of blasphemy are too often used to persecute Christians and other religious minorities.

The government of Pakistan must do more to protect its citizens, especially religious minorities, who are continuing to be persecuted under blasphemy laws and are regularly attacked by extremist mobs.


CNN Report

Please pray for the Lord’s healing and protection for the affected families.
Peter Bhatti
International Christian Voice, Canada.