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July 2024, ICV welcomes Gul Sher

International Christian Voice (ICV) welcomed Gul Sher at Toronto International Airport with great joy, this morning. 

You may recall that Gul Sher was Shahbaz Bhatti’s driver on the day of his assassination on March 02, 2011. Having been a witness to the terrible deed, Gul Sher was being threatened with dire consequences by the terrorists, not to testify.  Under constant threats to his life, Gul Sher fled to Thailand in 2013, leaving his pregnant wife and four children behind, in Pakistan.

ICV is grateful to the generous donors and attendees to two fundraisers, enabling ICV to sponsor Gul Sher to Canada. We needed a large amount of funds to support a family of seven for one year.  His wife and five children are expected to arrive from Pakistan within the next two weeks, to be reunited with him after ten years. Gul Sher has not hugged or seen his youngest child.

A group of ICV members were present at the airport on this joyful day to welcome Gul Sher, who can now resume his life in the welcoming embrace of Canada.  Especially delighted was Shaheen Qamar, who worked with Shahbaz Bhatti and Gul Sher at APMA (All Pakistan Minorities Alliance).  Also present were Cajie and Maria DeSouza, Peter Bhatti and Noel Fernandis. Many thanks to all the volunteers, and Maria and Cajie for turning the basement apartment into a cozy home for the new family.

Let us welcome Gul Sher (and his soon-to-be reunited family) to Canada and wish him every success in his life here.

12 June 2024, ICV welcomes its 10th family

International Christian Voice welcomed Khalid Butrus, an Iraqi Christian, who has spent the last twenty years of his life in exile in Syria and Lebanon. Excited family members waited patiently at the Terminal 1 airport lounge for two hours before Khalid emerged to an emotional greeting of shouts and whoops of joy mingled with tears of disbelief that he was actually on Canadian soil. His parents had flown in from Los Angeles, CA and his sisters and their families had arrived from Michigan to welcome him after a twenty-year separation. Khalid’s cousin, Mansour, his co-sponsor lives in Mississauga and coordinated everything. Family friend, and ICV supporter, Pastor Frank David postponed his overseas trip by a week to be present to greet Khalid.

Mansour celebrated Khalid’s arrival with a grand party today, to which he invited the ICV team. Mansour is a chef whose culinary expertise was displayed with a table filled with Middle Eastern delicacies and desserts. His hospitality knew no bounds.

We wish Khalid every success as he starts his life in freedom, in Canada.

30 May 2024, Protest for Sargodha Incident of Persecution of Minorities in Pakistan

On 30 May, ICV and Pakistani Christian community in Canada organized a protest for taking action against the perpetrators of Sargodha incident. Consul General of Pakistan received the petition for onward transmission to Government of Pakistan. 

It may be noted that such ghastly incidents have become a routine in which Pakistani Christians are lynched and vandalized on false blasphemy charges. ICV has also approached Government of Canada to play its part for protection of Christians in Pakistan.

25 May 2024, ICV was very saddened to learn of the recent incident in Mujahid Colony, Sargodha, Pakistan

International Christian Voice Canada (ICV) was very saddened to learn of the recent incident in Mujahid Colony, Sargodha, Pakistan on the morning of May 25, 2024, in which an extremist mob vandalized the house of 70-year-old Nazir Masih due to false allegations of blasphemy, namely allegations of burning pages of the Holy Quran. 

The mob attempted to set fire to Mr. Masih’s house as well as a neighbouring house and factory and were threatening to lynch him; all of which was instigated by a local Cleric. Video footage of the attack posted on social media clearly shows that officers of the Punjab police were present at the site as silent spectators, which once again points to their neglect and facilitation of the violence carried out by those involved in these crimes. 

We extend our solidarity and support to the victims of this incident, and we urge the government of Pakistan to bring all the culprits to justice and to ensure that the lives and properties of Christians and other religious minorities in Pakistan are protected. We also urge the government to take concrete steps to curb radicalism so that this type of incident does not take place again. 

Learn more:

Peter Bhatti, Chairman, International Christian Voice, Canada

October 2023, ICV Visits Victims of Jaranwala

President ICV, Peter Bhatti visited victims of Jaranwala and distributed funds amongst 40 families to facilitate their rehabilitation. 






ICV Welcomes its 6th Family of 2024 on May 9th

International Christian Voice (ICV) welcomed Asif Masih, his wife Asma and sons Zamran and Haran to Canada upon their arrival at Toronto International Airport this morning. Asif and his family fled to Thailand from Pakistan because of religious persecution. They spent the last twelve years of their lives living in one room, in hiding and virtual imprisonment. The boys (14 and 12) will attend school for the first time in Canada. Asma, a Math. a teacher in Pakistan homeschooled her sons in Thailand using the American school curriculum as a guide. She certainly did a good job because the boys are articulate and speak fluent and accent-free English.
ICV representatives at the airport to welcome the family were Chairman Peter Bhatti and volunteers Maria and Cajie De Souza and Noel Fernandis. Maria and Cajie deserve special mention for cleaning, furnishing and equipping the accommodation in preparation for the new arrivals.
We wish Asif Masih and his family every success in their new life in Canada.

ICV Welcomes its 5th Family of 2024 on April 25th

International Christian Voice (ICV) welcomed refugee family Sarfraz Yousaf, his wife Miriam and their three children to Canada upon their arrival at Toronto International airport this morning. Co- sponsors John and Shamim Rohail joyfully received the family and presented the newcomers with a floral bouquet. The two families have known each other for over 30 years and also spent time together in exile in Thailand.
The Yousaf family had spent more than 10 years in Thailand as refugees before being sponsored by ICV.
Airport Chaplain, Richard Sylvester celebrated a short service of Thanksgiving at the airport Chapel.
We wish Sarfraz and his family every success in their new life in Canada.

Martyr Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial Fundraiser Dinner 2024

Toronto- March 14, 2024: The International Christian Voice (ICV) held a poignant Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial Dinner on March 8, 2024, to honour the 13th anniversary of the martyrdom of Shahbaz Bhatti, a significant figure in Pakistan’s political history and a vocal advocate for minority rights. This event in Toronto attracted over four hundred and fifty attendees from diverse faith communities, highlighting Bhatti’s widespread impact and the continued relevance of his work in promoting interfaith harmony and minority rights.

Peter Bhatti Awarded Sovereign Award June 5, 2022

Mr. Peter Bhatti was awarded the Sovereign Medal, a Canadian honor award for volunteers with a passion, dedication and commitment to Community service. The presentation was held on June 05, 2022 at a prestigious ceremony at the Agha Khan Museum Toronto, Canada.

The Sovereign award was presented by the Lieutenant Governor Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell on behalf of the Governor General of Canada. Peter Bhatti is one of the six volunteers presented with the award at the ceremony.

As founder and Chairman of International Christian voice along with his team of volunteers have brought public attention the plight of persecuted and vulnerable religious minorities in Pakistan. International Christian Voice activities include fundraising for refugee sponsorship; resettlement and assisting sponsored refugees successfully integrate into the Canadian cultural mosaic.

Congratulations Mr. Peter Bhatti, Bhatti family, ICV team of volunteers, Ministry partners, Financial Donors and the Community.